Saturday, March 10, 2007

Project Red Stripe

The Economist is outsourcing and collaborating with its audience in an effort to reinvent itself. Project Red Stripe is a small group of employees charged with coming up with some revolutionary ideas and implementing them in a 6 month time-table, the mission:

We're a small team set up by The Economist Group, the parent company of the eponymous newspaper. Our mission is to develop truly innovative services online. We already have some ideas, of course. But as champions of free markets, we abhor the concept of a closed system. This is why we would like you to submit your idea (or ideas). Just think big - and we'll do the rest.
They are about half way through their timetable, check up on their progress here (webcam).

The Economist
has been getting steadily bigger and better for the last generation. It is a tough proposition to maintain that kind of track-record. We subscribe and read it regularly but it is much better in print than on the web.... So Red Stripe has to succeed! Few magazines (those who work for it, call the publication a 'newspaper' but I persist in thinking of it as a magazines) would have the chutzpah to do this in public (but it is comparable to The Guardian's blogmosis). Surely it is a noble goal and good luck to the team. It could be time to suggest that there was a proper digital edition of the magazine, umm I mean newspaper.... Here is their suggestions box.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your idea. We're trying to think of a way round the deep linking issue but glad you raised it.

Tom from project redstripe

Adam Hodgkin said...

I made a suggestion to Red Stripe Project about how they could make issues of the Economist 'open access' after a pause (pause necessary for subscribers to have privelege of paid for access), but I dont think there is a problem with Deep Linking on this. Either the link is used before it is on 'open access' -- in which case only Subscribers will get straight through to a page:

Or the use occurs after the pause, in which case Everyone gets straight through. Both sorts of link are good links but they have different access priveleges attached, and the access priveleges can change with time ... QED