Sunday, October 12, 2008

Gower using Exact Editions

The Exact Editions platform is this week launching a customised shop for c. 50 titles from Gower, a leading publisher of high level business and management titles. The books can be searched for free, and interested parties can buy subscriptions with a credit card or their PayPal account. If you log in to the Gower shop you will find that there are 30 pages in these books which use the word "bubble". It seems inevitable that bubbles are going to be even more studied in the next few years.

Several of these books clearly have particular relevance in this hectic and dramatic week.

Phil Griffiths' Risk-based Auditing

And one hopes that the UK Treasury and the Bank of England have closely studied:
Rull and Aziz Managing Communications in a Crisis

For graduate students starting their PhD this Autumn, Abby Day's How to Get Research Published in Journals may be the book they really ought to have.

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